Lasik Consultation

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At Omni Vision, we understand the importance of your sight and do not take it lightly, therefore we believe that patient education is one of the most important steps in deciding whether refractive surgery is the right choice for you. Our doctor(s) have a strong background in all listed procedures because they have directly taken care of patients who have gone through these procedures.

There are many procedures available to correct your nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. We offer free refractive surgery screenings and consults to determine if you are a candidate. 

Here are some refractive surgery options:

  1. LASIK (Laser Assisted Stromal In-Situ Keratomileusis)
  2. PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy)
  3. Lens Implants for single vision or multifocal vision
  4. Implantable Contact Lens (ICL)

Let’s get to know these procedures:

(1) LASIK (Laser Assusted Stromal In-Situ Keratomileusis)

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LASIK is one of the most popular ways to correct vision. It uses a laser to change the curvature of the cornea to correct for nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. LASIK has become the procedure of choice for most patients due to the quick visual recovery, minimal post operative discomfort, fewer side effects and complications than other refractive procedures. 

With current technology, we are able to control the size, depth, and location of the corneal flap created during the LASIK procedure. Patients who were previously considered poor LASIK candidates due to thin corneas may now qualify for LASIK.

(2) PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy) Procedure

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PRK is a laser vision correction much like LASIK with the difference being that no corneal flap is created. The laser treatment itself is exactly the same as with the LASIK procedure. PRK can treat low to high levels of nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. 

PRK could be an excellent choice for patients who are not considered good candidates for LASIK due to thin corneas, dry eye, or certain occupations such as law enforcement or fire fighters who may be at risk for taking a blow to the eye area. 

The comfort level, the visual recovery time, and the amount of time of using eye drops of PRK are also different than LASIK. Ask our doctors for more information about PRK .

(3) Lens Implants for Single Vision or Multifocal Vision

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This procedure involves the replacement of our natural lens (crystalline lens) with an implant (pseudophakic lens). Implantation of this type of lens generally is used during cataract surgery or may be chosen as an elective procedure by patients who are not candidates for other vision correction methods such as LASIK or PRK. 

Pseudophakic lenses may be monofocal, meaning that they correct for only one distance or they may be multifocal which gives a good range of correction at both distance and near. Ask our doctors to see if we would recommend this procedure for you!

Implantable Contact Lens (ICL)

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This procedure involves a placement of an implant inside the eye in front of the natural lens. It does not replace your natural lens as option #3 above. Since the implantation of this lens does not affect the cornea, this procedure is an excellent option for patients with moderate to severe nearsightedness who cannot undergo LASIK or PRK laser vision correction due to thin corneas or other eye health issues. 

The procedure for this type of lens implant is simple and can be performed as an outpatient basis, with patients going home the same day and returning to work soon after their procedure.