Fitbit Flyer

Designing a flyer for a notable brand was an assignment completed for Interactive Design II (IMED 2345) a class at Northwest V

Depeche Mode Excited – Alternate Album Cover

iPhone GUI – 2015

iPhone GUI was the final project for Interface Design course (IMED 1341), I took at Northwest Vista College as part of the Dig

Ash Vs Evil Dead – Poster

This movie poster was created for Arts 1311 2D Design class that I took at Northwest Vista College in 2015. It was created in

Nature vs Nurture – Surreal Art

Windows Media Player Skin

Designing a Windows Media Player skin was an assignment for Interface Design course (IMED 1341), I took at Northwest Vista Col

Day of the Dead Collage


Figure Ground Reversal

This project was completed for 2-Dimensional Design (ARTS 1311) class for my Digital Media Degree program at Northwest Vista.


MAC OS GUI was an assignment for the Interface Design course (IMED 1341), I took at Northwest Vista College as part of the Dig

Heaven/Hell – Lines Composition 2015

This project was completed for 2-Dimensional Design (ARTS 1311) class for my Digital Media Degree program at Northwest Vista.

Master Berry – First GUI – 2015

Made in September 2015. Master Berry was an assignment for the Interface Design course (IMED 1341), I took at Northwest Vista

Learning Module: Adobe InDesign 2015

The Adobe InDesign Learning Module was the final project for Interactive Design course (IMED 1345), I took at Northwest Vista